Commit 15d6be95 authored by thibaut-felten's avatar thibaut-felten

TP MVC - Creation fichiers

parent b1393488
# projet-cdaw
// define __ROOT_DIR constant which contains the absolute path on disk
// of the directory that contains this file (index.php)
// e.g. => __ROOT_DIR = /home/luc.fabresse/public_html
$rootDirectoryPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
define ('__ROOT_DIR', $rootDirectoryPath );
// Load all application config
require_once(__ROOT_DIR . "/config/config.php");
// Load the Loader class to automatically load classes when needed
require_once(__ROOT_DIR . '/classes/AutoLoader.class.php');
// Reify the current request
$request = Request::getCurrentRequest();
try {
$controller = Dispatcher::dispatch($request);
$response = $controller->execute();
} catch (Exception $e) {
$log = Response::getEchos();
$log .= " " . $e->getMessage();
$response = Response::errorResponse($log);
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class AutoLoader {
public function __construct() {
spl_autoload_register( array($this, 'load') );
// spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'loadComplete'));
// This method will be automatically executed by PHP whenever it encounters an unknown class name in the source code
private function load($className) {
// TODO : compute path of the file to load (cf. PHP function is_readable)
// it is in one of these subdirectory '/classes/', '/model/', '/controller/'
// if it is a model, load its sql queries file too in sql/ directory
$__LOADER = new AutoLoader();
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class Request {
protected $controllerName;
protected $uriParameters;
public static function getCurrentRequest(){
// T
public function __construct() {
// intialise baseURI
// e.g. => __BASE_URI = /~luc.fabresse
// e.g. http://localhost/CDAW/api.php => __BASE_URI = /CDAW
protected function initBaseURI() {
$this->baseURI = // TODO
// intialise controllerName et uriParameters
// controllerName contient chaîne 'default' ou le nom du controleur s'il est présent dans l'URI (la requête)
// uriParameters contient un tableau vide ou un tableau contenant les paramètres passés dans l'URI (la requête)
// e.g.
// => controllerName == 'default'
// uriParameters == []
// e.g.
// => controllerName == 'user'
// uriParameters == [ 1 ]
protected function initControllerAndParametersFromURI(){
$this->controllerName = // TODO
$this->uriParameters = // TODO
// ==============
// Public API
// ==============
// retourne le name du controleur qui doit traiter la requête courante
public function getControllerName() {
return $this->controllerName;
// retourne la méthode HTTP utilisée dans la requête courante
public function getHttpMethod() {
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