Commit 62ec320e authored by Radia EL HAMDOUNI's avatar Radia EL HAMDOUNI

added move_generation.c

parent f36f29f4
// search => Alpha beta search + Evaluation function
// recursive function
int alpha_beta_search(int side, int depth, int alpha, int beta)
if(depth == 0)
int score1 = 0, score2 = 0, pce, evaluation = 0;
for(int square = 0; square < 128; square++)
if(!(square & 0x88))
if(pce = board[square])
score1 += piece_weights[pce & 15];
(pce & 8) ? (score2 += board[square + 8]) : (score2 -= board[square + 8]);
evaluation = score1 + score2;
return (side == 8) ? evaluation : -evaluation;
int old_alpha = alpha;
int temp_src;
int temp_dst;
int score = -10000; // minus infinity
int piece, type, directions, dst_square, captured_square, captured_piece, step_vector;
for(int src_square = 0; src_square < 128; src_square++) // loop over board squares
if(!(src_square & 0x88)) // check if square where piece to generate moves for stands is on board
piece = board[src_square]; // store current piece code (might be empty square if no piece)
if(piece & side) // if piece belongs to the moving side
type = piece & 7;
directions = move_offsets[type + 30]; // init current piece's move offsets list pointer
while(step_vector = move_offsets[++directions]) // loop over move offsets
dst_square = src_square; // init destination square (to square)
do // loop over destination squares within one ray (for sliders)
dst_square += step_vector; // get next destination square
captured_square = dst_square; // init square where piece capture occurs
if(dst_square & 0x88) break; // break out of loop if destination square is off board
captured_piece = board[captured_square]; // init captured piece
if(captured_piece & side) break; // break if captured own piece
if(type < 3 && !(step_vector & 7) != !captured_piece) break; // pawns captures only diagonally
if((captured_piece & 7) == 3) return 10000; /* score move on king capture,
we are at the illegal branch now, so no
need to keep searching any further
// make move
board[captured_square] = 0; // clear captured square
board[src_square] = 0; // clear source square (from square where piece was)
board[dst_square] = piece; // put piece to destination square (to square)
// pawn promotion
if(type < 3) // if pawn
if(dst_square + step_vector + 1 & 0x80) // goes to the 1th/8th rank
board[dst_square]|=7; // convert it to queen
score = -alpha_beta_search(24 - side, depth - 1, -beta, -alpha);
board[dst_square] = 0;
board[src_square] = piece;
board[captured_square] = captured_piece;
best_src = src_square;
best_dst = dst_square;
if(score > alpha)
if(score >= beta)
return beta;
alpha = score;
temp_src = src_square;
temp_dst = dst_square;
captured_piece += type < 5;
if(type < 3 & 6*side + (dst_square & 0x70) == 0x80)captured_piece--;
if(alpha != old_alpha)
best_src = temp_src;
best_dst = temp_dst;
return alpha;
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