Commit 0b3b7479 authored by Radia EL HAMDOUNI's avatar Radia EL HAMDOUNI

added play_chess.c

parent 62ec320e
void play_chess(){
// storing user input (format: e2e4, queening is automatical)
int side = WHITE; // user starts first with the color white
char move[5];
memset(&move[0], 0, sizeof(move));
if(!fgets(move, 5, stdin)) continue;
if(move[0] == '\n') continue;
for(int square = 0; square < 128; square++) // loop over board squares
if(!(square & 0x88)) // if square is onboard
if(!strncmp(move, algebraic_board[square], 2))
source = square;
if(!strncmp(move + 2, algebraic_board[square], 2))
destination = square;
// make user move
board[destination] = board[source];
board[source] = 0;
// if pawn promotion
if(((board[destination] == 9) && (destination >= 0 && destination <= 7)) ||
((board[destination] == 18) && (destination >= 112 && destination <= 119)))
board[destination] |= 7;
side = 24 - side; // change side
int score = alpha_beta_search(side, depth, -10000, 10000);
// make AI move
board[best_dst] = board[best_src];
board[best_src] = 0;
// if pawn promotion
if(((board[best_dst] == 9) && (best_dst >= 0 && best_dst <= 7)) ||
((board[best_dst] == 18) && (best_dst >= 112 && best_dst <= 119)))
board[best_dst] |= 7;
side = 24 - side;
if(score == 10000 || score == -10000) {printf("Checkmate!\n"); break;}
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