Commit f48dc69a authored by Alexis Lebis's avatar Alexis Lebis

competency builder ok

parent 34f2f7e2
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......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <queenEval.h>
#include <model/magnitude.h>
#include <model/competency.h>
#include <model/exception/magnitudeException.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
#include "competency.h"
#include "magnitude.h"
#include "exception/magnitudeException.h"
// === FACTORY
Competency Competency::build(Magnitude & m, std::string name = "")
int id = Competency::assignID();
name = "Competency#"+id;
return Competency(id, m, name);
Competency Competency::build(double d = 0, std::string name = "")
int id = Competency::assignID();
name = "Competency#"+id;
Magnitude m = Magnitude::build(d);
return Competency(id, m, name);
catch(MagnitudeException & e)
Magnitude m(e.getMagnitude());
return Competency(id, m, name);
Competency::Competency(int id, Magnitude m, std::string s)
: _id(id), _m(m), _name(s)
// === STATIC
int Competency::assignID()
return ++Competency::COMPETENCY_COUNTER;
/// @TODO
void Competency::evolveTowards(Magnitude & m)
/// @TODO
void Competency::evolveTowards(double d)
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......@@ -15,14 +15,49 @@
class Competency
Magnitude m;
std::string name;
int id;
Magnitude & _m;
std::string _name;
int _id;
Competency(int, Magnitude, std::string);
static int assignID();
static Competency build(Magnitude &, std::string);
static Competency build(double, std::string);
/** evolveTowards allows the competency to increase or decrease according to the value passed in parameter (either in Magnitude._value or double). It represents the competency evolving towards a specfic state, here represented by this->_m.value() + m.value().
* Use it instead of manipuling directly a Magnitude, since it'll handle MagnitudeException
* @throw CompetencyEvolvingException
void evolveTowards(Magnitude & m);
/** evolveTowards allows the competency to increase or decrease according to the value passed in parameter (either in Magnitude._value or double). It represents the competency evolving towards a specfic state, here represented by this->_m.value() + d.
* Use it instead of manipuling directly a Magnitude, since it'll handle MagnitudeException
* @throw CompetencyEvolvingException
void evolveTowards(double d);
// === GETTER
///Retrieves the magnitude/mastery value of the competency
const double competencyValue() const;
///Retrieves the magnitude of the compentecy
const Magnitude c_magnitude() const {return this->_m;}
Magnitude & magnitude(){return this->_m;}
///Retrieves the name of the competency
const std::string c_name() const {return this->_name;}
std::string & name() {return this->_name;}
const int id() const {return this->_id;}
// === SETTER
void setMagnitude(Magnitude & m){this->_m = m;};
int Competency::COMPETENCY_COUNTER = 0;
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......@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ Magnitude::Magnitude(const Magnitude & m)
* @throw MagnitudeException Throw a MagnitudeException if the new value is > 1 or < 0. Note that the this->_value IS set (thus you can use this->rebase() to put _value in good range)
Magnitude & Magnitude::operator+=(const double d)
......@@ -41,6 +44,9 @@ Magnitude & Magnitude::operator+=(const double d)
return *this;
* @throw MagnitudeException Throw a MagnitudeException if the new value is > 1 or < 0. Note that the this->_value IS set (thus you can use this->rebase() to put _value in good range)
Magnitude & Magnitude::operator+=(const Magnitude & m)
this->_value += m._value;
......@@ -49,6 +55,9 @@ Magnitude & Magnitude::operator+=(const Magnitude & m)
return *this;
* @throw MagnitudeException Throw a MagnitudeException if the new value is > 1 or < 0. You can catch the new magnitude causing the exception with magnitudeException.getMagnitude() (and thus perform the desired action, like a rebase)
Magnitude operator+(const Magnitude & m, const Magnitude & n)
Magnitude mag(m);
......@@ -56,6 +65,9 @@ Magnitude operator+(const Magnitude & m, const Magnitude & n)
return mag;
* @throw MagnitudeException Throw a MagnitudeException if the new value is > 1 or < 0. You can catch the new magnitude causing the exception with magnitudeException.getMagnitude() (and thus perform the desired action, like a rebase)
Magnitude operator+(const Magnitude & m, const double d)
Magnitude mag(m);
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