Commit 1923389c authored by Inès EL HADRI's avatar Inès EL HADRI 💤

1st attempt scan to point cloud

parent d571a82e
import rclpy
import math
from rclpy.node import Node
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan, PointCloud2
import sensor_msgs_py.point_cloud2
from std_msgs.msg import Header
rosNode= None
def scan_callback(scanMsg):
global rosNode
obstacles = ranges_to_positions(scanMsg)
sample = [ [ round(p[0], 2), round(p[1], 2), round(p[2], 2) ] for p in obstacles[10:20] ]
# Publish a msg
pointCloud = sensor_msgs_py.point_cloud2.create_cloud_xyz32(Header(frame_id='frame'), obstacles)
rosNode.get_logger().info( f"\nheader:\n{scanMsg.header}\nnumber of ranges: {len(scanMsg.ranges)}\nSample: {pointCloud}\n" )
def ranges_to_positions(scan_message: LaserScan) -> list:
obstacles= []
angle= scan_message.angle_min
for aDistance in scan_message.ranges :
if 0.1 < aDistance and aDistance < 5.0 :
aPoint= [
math.cos(angle) * aDistance,
math.sin(angle) * aDistance,
angle+= scan_message.angle_increment
return obstacles
rosNode= Node('scan_interpreter')
# Initialize a subscriber:
rosNode.create_subscription( LaserScan, 'scan', scan_callback, 10)
# Initialize a publisher:
point_publisher = rosNode.create_publisher(PointCloud2, '/scan_points', 10)
while True :
rclpy.spin_once( rosNode )
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