"- 2009 [[full list](https://ccrma.stanford.edu/wiki/MIR_workshop_2009/Participants)]: Luke Dahl, Mike Gao, Craig Hanson, Jorge Herrera, Denis Lebel, Sang Won Lee, Gautham Mysore, Jeremy Sawruk, Hwan Shim, Diana Siwiak, Steve Tjoa, Elie Noune, James Hughes, Stefan Tomic, Lisa Lim, Fred Barrett\n",
"- 2011: Chris Colatos, Jeff Albert, Kamlesh Lakshminarayanan, Sean Zhang, Eli Stine, David Bird, Gina Collecchia, Dekun Zou, Bill Paseman, John Amuedo\n",
"- 2014: (Add your name here! Fork this repo on GitHub, and send a pull request.)"
"- 2014: Owen Campbell, (Add your name here! Fork this repo on GitHub, and send a pull request.)"