Commit 032bace8 authored by LAIRD Timothy's avatar LAIRD Timothy

Merge branch 'animation' into 'dev'

Animation to dev

See merge request !6
parents 879e5d31 3ef9800b
......@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ link_directories( ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/dpd )
add_executable(nw-viewer src/main-viewer.c src/networld.c src/controlpanel.c src/entity.c src/player.c src/random-map.c src/graphical-aspect.c src/window-manager.c src/menu-button.c src/main-menu.c src/int-input.c src/options-menu.c)
target_link_libraries(nw-viewer raylib pthread dl rt X11 m)
target_link_libraries(risk raylib pthread dl rt X11 m)
#without cmake package...
#target_link_libraries(nw-viewer raylib GL m pthread dl rt X11)
#target_link_libraries(risk raylib GL m pthread dl rt X11)
......@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ void Panel_initialize(Panel * self, NetWorld * world, const int screenWidth, con
self->world= world;
self->camera.x= 0.f;
self->camera.y= 0.f;
self->screenCenter.x= 400.f;
self->screenCenter.y= 300.f;
self->screenCenter.x= screenWidth/2;
self->screenCenter.y= screenHeight/2;
self->scale= 10.f; //pixel per meters
self->screenWidth = screenWidth;
self->screenHeight = screenHeight;
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ void Panel_drawOptionsMenu(Panel * self, Options_Menu * menu){
void Panel_drawGame(Panel * self)
// Draw the edges for each nodes:
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ void Panel_drawGame(Panel * self)
Panel_drawNode( self, &(self->world->nodes[i]) );
void Panel_drawBasis(Panel * self)
......@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ void Graphic_RecrutementPhase(Player * player, int screenWidth, int screenHeight
void Graphic_AttackPhase(Player * player, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, Font font){
Rectangle rec = {screenWidth-300, 100 , 300, 400};
Rectangle rec = {screenWidth-300, 100 , 300, 450};
DrawRectangleLinesEx(rec, 10, player->color);
DrawTextEx(font, "Attack Phase",(Vector2){screenWidth-265, 120}, 23.0, 3.0, player->color);
DrawTextRec(font, " FIRST click on the node you want to attack from", (Rectangle){screenWidth-285, 175, 270, 100}, 20.0, 3.0, true, player->color);
DrawTextRec(font, " THEN click on one of neighbouring node you want to attack", (Rectangle){screenWidth-285, 295, 270, 100}, 20.0, 3.0, true, player->color);
DrawTextRec(font, " click Next Turn once finished", (Rectangle){screenWidth-285, 415, 270, 100}, 20.0, 3.0, true, player->color);
DrawTextRec(font, " click Next Turn once finished all your attacks", (Rectangle){screenWidth-285, 415, 270, 100}, 20.0, 3.0, true, player->color);
void Graphic_WhoseTurnIsIt(Player * player, int screenWidth, int screenHeight, Font font){
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ void Graphic_MouseHoverNodeRecrutement(Player * player, Vector2 mousePosition, P
if(CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePosition, currentNode->collisionHitbox)){
//printf("collision noeud !\n");
Vector2 screenPosition= Panel_pixelFromPosition(panel, &(currentNode->position) );
DrawCircleV(screenPosition, 29, MAGENTA);
DrawRing(screenPosition, 24.0, 28.0, 0.0, 360.0, 0.1, MAGENTA);
//DrawCircleV(screenPosition, 45, RAYWHITE);
if(player->soldiers > 0){
DrawText("+1", (int)screenPosition.x + 30 , (int)screenPosition.y, 20, MAGENTA);
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ void Graphic_MouseHoverNodeChooseAttacker(Player * player, Vector2 mousePosition
Node* currentNode = player->nodes[nodeIndex];
if(CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePosition, currentNode->collisionHitbox)){
Vector2 screenPosition= Panel_pixelFromPosition(panel, &(currentNode->position) );
DrawCircleV(screenPosition, 29, GOLD);
DrawRing(screenPosition, 24.0, 28.0, 0.0, 360.0, 0.1, GOLD);
//DrawCircleV(screenPosition, 45, RAYWHITE);
DrawText("attacker", (int)screenPosition.x + 30 , (int)screenPosition.y, 20, GOLD);
......@@ -112,16 +112,19 @@ void Graphic_MouseHoverNodeChooseAttacker(Player * player, Vector2 mousePosition
Vector2 screenPosition= Panel_pixelFromPosition(panel, &(player->selectedNode->position) );
DrawCircleV(screenPosition, 29, GOLD);
DrawRing(screenPosition, 24.0, 28.0, 0.0, 360.0, 0.1, GOLD);
DrawText("attacker", (int)screenPosition.x + 30 , (int)screenPosition.y, 20, GOLD);
void Graphic_MouseHoverNodeChooseTarget(Node * originNode, Vector2 mousePosition, Panel * panel){
for(int neighbourIndex = 0; neighbourIndex < originNode->card; neighbourIndex++){
Vector2 screenPosition = Panel_pixelFromPosition(panel, &(originNode->edges[neighbourIndex]._target->position) );
/* if( &(originNode->edges[neighbourIndex]._target->color) = &(originNode->color)){
DrawCircleV(screenPosition, 29, GREEN);
} */
if( &(originNode->edges[neighbourIndex]._target->color) != &(originNode->color)){
DrawRing(screenPosition, 24.0, 30.0, 0.0, 360.0, 0.1, GREEN);
if(CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePosition, originNode->edges[neighbourIndex]._target->collisionHitbox) && &(originNode->edges[neighbourIndex]._target->color) != &(originNode->color)){
DrawRing(screenPosition, 30.0, 33.0, 0.0, 360.0, 0.1, MAROON);
......@@ -129,40 +132,178 @@ void Graphic_MouseHoverNodeChooseTarget(Node * originNode, Vector2 mousePosition
#define MAX_FRAME_SPEED 15
void diceRolling()
{ printf("dice rolling begin\n"); // Initialization
int Graphic_ChooseNumberOfAttackers(Player * attacker, Player * defender, Node * originNode, Node * targetNode, Font font)
// Initialization
const int screenWidth = 1700;
const int screenHeight = 800;
bool endAnimation = false;
SetTargetFPS(60); // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second
Rectangle * nbAttackerRectangle = malloc(10*sizeof(Rectangle));
printf("number dice avail %d \n", originNode->soldiersToAdd + originNode->soldiers );
for(int i = 0 ; i < originNode->soldiersToAdd + originNode->soldiers ; i ++){
nbAttackerRectangle[i] = (Rectangle){200 + (i-1)*250, screenHeight - 500, 150, 70};
printf("rectangle %d position : %f %f \n", i, nbAttackerRectangle[i].x, nbAttackerRectangle[i].y);
char * whoseTurnToAttack = malloc(20*sizeof(char));
sprintf(whoseTurnToAttack, "Player %d attacks ", attacker->ID);
char * whoseTurnToDefend = malloc(20*sizeof(char));
sprintf(whoseTurnToDefend, "Player %d", defender->ID);
// Main game loop
while (!endAnimation ) // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Draw
Vector2 mousePosition = GetMousePosition();
DrawTextEx(font, whoseTurnToAttack, (Vector2){screenWidth/2 - (MeasureTextEx(font, whoseTurnToAttack, 50.0, 3.0).x) + 50 , 70} , 50.0, 3.0, attacker->color);
DrawTextEx(font, whoseTurnToDefend, (Vector2){screenWidth/2 + 50 , 70}, 50.0, 3.0, defender->color);
DrawText("How many dices do you want to involve in the fight ?", screenWidth/2 - (MeasureTextEx(font, "How many dice do you want to involve in the fight ?", 30.0, 3.0).x)/2 + 50 , 150 , 30, attacker->color);
for(int i = 1 ; i < originNode->soldiersToAdd + originNode->soldiers ; i ++){
DrawRectangleRec(nbAttackerRectangle[i], BLACK);
char * str_i = malloc(sizeof(int));
sprintf(str_i, "%d", i);
DrawTextEx(font, str_i, (Vector2){nbAttackerRectangle[i].x + 55, nbAttackerRectangle[i].y + 5 }, 70.0, 3.0, WHITE);
if(CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePosition, nbAttackerRectangle[i])){
DrawRectangleLinesEx(nbAttackerRectangle[i], 5, GREEN);
if(CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePosition, nbAttackerRectangle[i])){
printf("colision dés choix %d \n", i);
return i;
// De-Initialization
// Texture unloading
const int screenWidth1 = 800;
const int screenHeight1 = 450;
InitWindow(screenWidth1, screenHeight1, "raylib [texture] example - texture rectangle");
void diceRolling(Player * attacker, Player * defender, Node * originNode, Node * targetNode, int nbOfAttackers, int * listOfDices, Font font)
printf("dice rolling begin\n");
// Initialization
const int screenWidth = 1700;
const int screenHeight = 800;
// NOTE: Textures MUST be loaded after Window initialization (OpenGL context is required)
Texture2D diceTexture = LoadTexture("diceRolling.png"); // Texture loading
Image texture = LoadImage("diceRolling.png");
ImageResize(&(texture), 100, 800);
//Texture2D diceTexture = LoadTexture("diceRolling.png"); // Texture loading
Texture2D diceTexture = LoadTextureFromImage(texture);
int defendersCount = targetNode->soldiers >= 3? 2:1;
int attackersCount = nbOfAttackers;
Vector2 position = { 350.0f, 100.0f };
Rectangle frameRec = { 0.0f, 0.0f, (float)diceTexture.width, (float)diceTexture.height/9 };
int currentFrame = 0;
int framesCounter = 0;
int framesSpeed = 10;
int framesSpeed = 7;
int frameExit = 0; // Number of spritesheet frames shown by second
bool endAnimation = false;
bool endAnimationDice = false;
bool endDisplayResult = false;
SetTargetFPS(60); // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second
char * whoseTurnToAttack = malloc(20*sizeof(char));
sprintf(whoseTurnToAttack, "Player %d ", attacker->ID);
char * whoseTurnToDefend = malloc(20*sizeof(char));
sprintf(whoseTurnToDefend, "Player %d ", defender->ID);
Vector2 * positionDiceAttacker = malloc(20 * sizeof(Vector2));
Vector2 * positionDiceDefender = malloc(20 * sizeof(Vector2));
for(int i = 0 ; i < nbOfAttackers ; i++){
positionDiceAttacker[i] = (Vector2){200 + (i)*150, screenHeight - 500};
for(int i = 0 ; i < defendersCount + 1 ; i++){
positionDiceDefender[i] = (Vector2){1000 + (i)*150, screenHeight - 500};
printf("position dice defender %d x : %f \n", i , positionDiceDefender[i].x);
printf("position dice defender %d y : %f \n", i , positionDiceDefender[i].y);
// Main game loop
while (!WindowShouldClose() ) // Detect window close button or ESC key
while (!endAnimationDice ) // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
//printf("%d frame before Exit0 \n", frameExit);
if(frameExit == 200) endAnimationDice = true;
if (framesCounter >= (60/framesSpeed))
framesCounter = 0;
if (currentFrame > 8) currentFrame = 0;
frameRec.y = (float)currentFrame*(float)diceTexture.height/9;
// Draw
DrawTextEx(font, whoseTurnToAttack, (Vector2){250 , 200} , 30.0, 3.0, attacker->color);
DrawTextEx(font, whoseTurnToDefend, (Vector2){screenWidth-700, 200}, 30.0, 3.0, defender->color);
DrawTextEx(font, " attacker", (Vector2){250 + MeasureTextEx(font, "Player X ", 30.0, 3.0).x , 210} , 15.0, 3.0, attacker->color);
DrawTextEx(font, " defender", (Vector2){screenWidth-700 + MeasureTextEx(font, "Player X ", 30.0, 3.0).x, 210}, 15.0, 3.0, defender->color);
for(int i = 0 ; i < nbOfAttackers ; i++){
DrawTextureRec(diceTexture, frameRec, positionDiceAttacker[i], WHITE);
for(int i = 0 ; i < defendersCount ; i++){
DrawTextureRec(diceTexture, frameRec, positionDiceDefender[i], WHITE);
currentFrame = 0;
framesCounter = 0;
framesSpeed = 7;
endDisplayResult = false;
while (!endDisplayResult ) // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
printf("%d frameExit \n", frameExit);
if(frameExit == 100) endAnimation = true;
//printf("%d frame before Exit1 \n", frameExit);
if(frameExit == 450) endDisplayResult = true;
if (framesCounter >= (60/framesSpeed))
framesCounter = 0;
......@@ -179,11 +320,112 @@ void diceRolling()
//Vector2 * positionDiceAttacker = malloc(sizeof(Vector2)*attackerNbDice) ;
/* for(int attackerDice = 0; attackerDice < attackerNbDice ; attackerDice++){
} */
DrawTextureRec(diceTexture, frameRec, position, WHITE); // Draw part of the texture
DrawTextEx(font, whoseTurnToAttack, (Vector2){250 , 200} , 30.0, 3.0, attacker->color);
DrawTextEx(font, whoseTurnToDefend, (Vector2){screenWidth-700, 200}, 30.0, 3.0, defender->color);
DrawTextEx(font, " attacker", (Vector2){250 + MeasureTextEx(font, "Player X ", 30.0, 3.0).x , 210} , 15.0, 3.0, attacker->color);
DrawTextEx(font, " defender", (Vector2){screenWidth-700 + MeasureTextEx(font, "Player X ", 30.0, 3.0).x, 210}, 15.0, 3.0, defender->color);
for(int i = 0 ; i < nbOfAttackers ; i++){
switch (listOfDices[i])
case 1:
frameRec.y = 9*(float)diceTexture.height/9;
DrawTextureRec(diceTexture, frameRec, positionDiceAttacker[i], WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, "1", (Vector2){positionDiceAttacker[i].x + 30, positionDiceAttacker[i].y+100}, 50.0, 3.0, BLACK);
case 2:
frameRec.y = 1*(float)diceTexture.height/9;
DrawTextureRec(diceTexture, frameRec, positionDiceAttacker[i], WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, "2", (Vector2){positionDiceAttacker[i].x + 30, positionDiceAttacker[i].y+100}, 50.0, 3.0, BLACK);
case 3:
frameRec.y = 2*(float)diceTexture.height/9;
DrawTextureRec(diceTexture, frameRec, positionDiceAttacker[i], WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, "3", (Vector2){positionDiceAttacker[i].x + 30, positionDiceAttacker[i].y+100}, 50.0, 3.0, BLACK);
case 4:
frameRec.y = 3*(float)diceTexture.height/9;
DrawTextureRec(diceTexture, frameRec, positionDiceAttacker[i], WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, "4", (Vector2){positionDiceAttacker[i].x + 30, positionDiceAttacker[i].y+100}, 50.0, 3.0, BLACK);
case 5:
frameRec.y = 4*(float)diceTexture.height/9;
DrawTextureRec(diceTexture, frameRec, positionDiceAttacker[i], WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, "5", (Vector2){positionDiceAttacker[i].x + 30, positionDiceAttacker[i].y+100}, 50.0, 3.0, BLACK);
case 6:
frameRec.y = 5*(float)diceTexture.height/9;
DrawTextureRec(diceTexture, frameRec, positionDiceAttacker[i], WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, "6", (Vector2){positionDiceAttacker[i].x + 30, positionDiceAttacker[i].y+100}, 50.0, 3.0, BLACK);
//DrawTextureRec(diceTexture, frameRec, positionDiceAttacker[i], WHITE);
for(int i = nbOfAttackers ; i < nbOfAttackers + defendersCount +1; i++){
switch (listOfDices[i])
case 1:
frameRec.y = 9*(float)diceTexture.height/9;
DrawTextureRec(diceTexture, frameRec, positionDiceDefender[i-nbOfAttackers], WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, "1", (Vector2){positionDiceDefender[i-nbOfAttackers].x + 30, positionDiceDefender[i-nbOfAttackers].y + 100}, 50.0, 3.0, BLACK);
case 2:
frameRec.y = 1*(float)diceTexture.height/9;
DrawTextureRec(diceTexture, frameRec, positionDiceDefender[i-nbOfAttackers], WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, "2", (Vector2){positionDiceDefender[i-nbOfAttackers].x + 30, positionDiceDefender[i-nbOfAttackers].y + 100}, 50.0, 3.0, BLACK);
case 3:
frameRec.y = 2*(float)diceTexture.height/9;
DrawTextureRec(diceTexture, frameRec, positionDiceDefender[i-nbOfAttackers], WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, "3", (Vector2){positionDiceDefender[i-nbOfAttackers].x + 30, positionDiceDefender[i-nbOfAttackers].y + 100}, 50.0, 3.0, BLACK);
case 4:
frameRec.y = 3*(float)diceTexture.height/9;
DrawTextureRec(diceTexture, frameRec, positionDiceDefender[i-nbOfAttackers], WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, "4", (Vector2){positionDiceDefender[i-nbOfAttackers].x + 30, positionDiceDefender[i-nbOfAttackers].y + 100}, 50.0, 3.0, BLACK);
case 5:
frameRec.y = 4*(float)diceTexture.height/9;
DrawTextureRec(diceTexture, frameRec, positionDiceDefender[i-nbOfAttackers], WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, "5", (Vector2){positionDiceDefender[i-nbOfAttackers].x + 30, positionDiceDefender[i-nbOfAttackers].y+100}, 50.0, 3.0, BLACK);
case 6:
frameRec.y = 5*(float)diceTexture.height/9;
DrawTextureRec(diceTexture, frameRec, positionDiceDefender[i-nbOfAttackers], WHITE);
DrawTextEx(font, "6", (Vector2){positionDiceDefender[i-nbOfAttackers].x + 30, positionDiceDefender[i-nbOfAttackers].y + 100}, 50.0, 3.0, BLACK);
int remainingAttackers = attackersCount;
for(int index = 0; index < fmin(defendersCount, attackersCount); index++){
if(listOfDices[index] > listOfDices[index + attackersCount]){
//printf("Defenders lose a soldier\n");
DrawTextEx(font, "Defenders lose a soldier", (Vector2){screenWidth/2 - MeasureTextEx(font, "Defenders lose a soldier",50.0, 3.0 ).x/2 , 600}, 50.0, 3.0, BLACK);
//printf("Attackers lose a soldier\n");
DrawTextEx(font, "Attackers lose a soldier", (Vector2){screenWidth/2 - MeasureTextEx(font, "Attackers lose a soldier",50.0, 3.0 ).x/2 , 600}, 50.0, 3.0, BLACK);
if(targetNode->soldiers <= 0){
//printf("Node has been conquered\n");
DrawTextEx(font, "Node has been conquered", (Vector2){screenWidth/2 - MeasureTextEx(font, "Node has been conquered",50.0, 3.0 ).x/2 , 700}, 50.0, 3.0, BLACK);
//Player_remove_Node(defender, targetNode);
//Player_add_Node(self, targetNode);
//targetNode->soldiers = attackersCount;
//originNode->soldiers -= attackersCount;
......@@ -193,10 +435,13 @@ void diceRolling()
// Texture unloading
CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context
free(positionDiceDefender); // Close window and OpenGL context
......@@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ Rectangle Graphic_ConfirmButton(Font font);
void Graphic_MouseHoverNodeRecrutement(Player * self, Vector2 mousePosition, Panel * panel);
void Graphic_MouseHoverNodeChooseAttacker(Player * player, Vector2 mousePosition, Panel * panel);
void Graphic_MouseHoverNodeChooseTarget(Node * originNode, Vector2 mousePosition, Panel * panel);
void diceRolling();
void Graphic_RectuementBeginTurn(int screenWidth, int screenHeight, Font font);
int Graphic_ChooseNumberOfAttackers(Player * attacker, Player * defender, Node * originNode, Node * targetNode, Font font);
void diceRolling(Player * attacker, Player * defender, Node * originNode, Node * targetNode, int nbOfAttackers, int * listOfDices, Font font);
......@@ -192,9 +192,12 @@ void game_update(NetWorld * world, Player * players, Font font, Panel * panel)
currentPlayer->selectedNode = currentNode;
else if(Node_are_connected(originNode, currentNode) && (originNode->soldiers > 1) && originNode->canAttack){
printf("Engaging attack on target Node\n");
Player_attack_Node(currentPlayer, &(players[nodePlayerID]), originNode, currentNode);
printf("Engagine attack on target Node\n");
int nbOfAttackers = Graphic_ChooseNumberOfAttackers(currentPlayer, &(players[nodePlayerID]), originNode, currentNode, font);
int * listOfDices = Player_attack_Node(currentPlayer, &(players[nodePlayerID]), originNode, currentNode, nbOfAttackers);
int defendersCount = currentNode->soldiers >= 3? 2:1;
diceRolling(currentPlayer, &(players[nodePlayerID]), originNode, currentNode, nbOfAttackers , listOfDices ,font);
......@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ void Player_add_Node( Player * self, Node * node )
newNodes[i] = self->nodes[i];
node->color = self->color;
for (int i = 0 ; i < node->card ; i++){
node->edges[i].color = self->color;
node->playerID = self->ID;
newNodes[self->nodeCount] = node;
......@@ -147,8 +150,9 @@ void Player_confirm_recrutement(Player * self){
void Player_attack_Node(Player * self, Player * defender, Node * originNode, Node * targetNode){
int attackersCount = fmin(3, (originNode->soldiers-1));
int * Player_attack_Node(Player * self, Player * defender, Node * originNode, Node * targetNode, int numberOfAttackers){
int * listOfDices = malloc(20*sizeof(int));
int attackersCount = numberOfAttackers;
int defendersCount = targetNode->soldiers >= 3? 2:1;
int attDiceRolls[attackersCount];
int defDiceRolls[defendersCount];
......@@ -182,6 +186,12 @@ void Player_attack_Node(Player * self, Player * defender, Node * originNode, Nod
for(int index = 0; index < attackersCount; index++){
listOfDices[index] = attDiceRolls[index];
for(int index = 0; index < defendersCount; index++){
listOfDices[index + attackersCount ] = defDiceRolls[index];
printf("Attackers dice rolls :\t");
for(int index = 0; index < attackersCount; index++){
......@@ -216,4 +226,9 @@ void Player_attack_Node(Player * self, Player * defender, Node * originNode, Nod
originNode->canAttack = false;
return listOfDices;
void Delete_Player_attack_Node(int * listOfDices){
......@@ -120,10 +120,11 @@ void Player_unselect_Node(Player * self, Vector2 mousePos);
* @param defender The defending player
* @param originNode The attacker's node
* @param targetNode The defender's node
* @param numberOfAttackers Number of attacking soldiers
void Player_attack_Node(Player * self, Player * defender, Node * originNode, Node * targetNode);
int * Player_attack_Node(Player * self, Player * defender, Node * originNode, Node * targetNode, int numberOfAttackers);
* @brief Confirm placement of soldiers
* @param self The player context
......@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ void Random_map(NetWorld *world)
name = malloc(20*sizeof(char));
sprintf(name, "name : %d", i);
Node_set(&(world->nodes[i]), (Vector2){randomX, randomY}, RED, name);
......@@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ void Random_map(NetWorld *world)
name = malloc(20*sizeof(char));
sprintf(name, "name : %d", i);
Node_set(&(world->nodes[i]), (Vector2){randomX, randomY}, RED, name);
printf("%f\n", randomX);
printf("%f\n", randomY);
......@@ -83,9 +85,6 @@ void Random_map(NetWorld *world)
float ym = 0.5 * (world->nodes[i].position.y + world->nodes[j].position.y);
Vector2 M = {xm, ym};
float distNodeCenterOfij = dist(world->nodes[i].position, M);
//printf("xm : %f\n", xm);
//printf("ym : %f\n", ym);
//printf("distNodeCenterOfij : %f\n", distNodeCenterOfij);
//printf("distNode %d%d : %f\n", i, j, distNode((world->nodes[i]), world->nodes[j]));
for (int k = 0; k < nbNode; k++)
......@@ -102,4 +101,5 @@ void Random_map(NetWorld *world)
\ No newline at end of file
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