"new":"new <length> [ <label> <character set> ] ( 'length' = num characters in password, 'label' = optional name for the password 'charset' = characters that can be in the password (use '-<characters>' to exclude a list of characters))",
"new":"new <length> [ <label> <character set> ] ( 'length' = num characters in password, 'label' = optional name for the password 'charset' = characters that can be in the password (use '-<characters>' to exclude a list of characters))",
"echo":"echo <string content> ( 'string_content' = any text to be echoed )",
"echo":"echo <string content> ( 'string_content' = any text to be echoed )",
"dbg":"dbg ( Prints a debug output of the manager's state )",
"dbg":"dbg ( Prints a debug output of the manager's state )",
"list":"list [ <label> ] (Prints the passwords currently stored 'label' = the password you want to decrypt)",
"save":"save - Saves the state to the file originally inputted.",# TODO: make it possible to save to a new file