Commit 610ebe07 authored by Radia EL HAMDOUNI's avatar Radia EL HAMDOUNI

Delete fen.c

parent 45d94770
int side;
void fen(char *my_fen){
// first reset the board
for(int i = 0 ; i<8 ; i++){ //loop over the ranks
for(int j=0;j<16;j++ ){ // loop over the files
int square = 16 * i + j;
// first part of fen
if(!(square & 0x88)){
if((*my_fen >= 'a' && *my_fen <= 'z')|| (*my_fen >= 'A' && *my_fen <= 'Z') ){
board[square] = char_pieces[*my_fen];
if(*my_fen >= '0' && *my_fen <= '8'){
j += *my_fen-'0';
// second part of FEN
if(*my_fen == 'w'){
side = white;
side = black;
// castling
// en passant
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