Commit a891f1e9 authored by Alexis Lebis's avatar Alexis Lebis

first def of problem

parent dca2c2f1
#ifndef SRC_PROBLEM_H_ #ifndef SRC_PROBLEM_H_
#define SRC_PROBLEM_H_ #define SRC_PROBLEM_H_
// USE THIS FILE TO MODELISE THE PB, i.e. how many courses are available, etc. #include <vector>
#include "course.h"
#include "competency.h"
* Model of the CSDVP (Constraint Satisfaction Decaying Variables Problem).
* How many compentecies are available, how many courses, etc...
class CSDVP
int _id;
int _quantityAvailableCompetencies;
std::vector<Competency> _availableCompentecies;
int _quantityAvailableCourses;
std::vector<Course> _availableCourses;
/// ECTS values, defining the intervale [_minimal,_maximal] for random
int _minimalECTSValue;
int _maximalECTSValue;
int _minimalCoursesByTimeFrame;
int _maximalCoursesByTimeFrame;
int _numberOfTimeFrame;
std::vector<int> _timeFrames;
///@todo implements a decay politics
// Static
static int assignID();
#endif // SRC_PROBLEM_H_ #endif // SRC_PROBLEM_H_
\ No newline at end of file
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