Commit dae43a08 authored by Lucas NAURY's avatar Lucas NAURY

Automatic map discovery

parent 4d3b175e
......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ install( PROGRAMS
\ No newline at end of file
# Include the challenge 1 simulation launch file
- include:
file: "$(find-pkg-share tbot_sim)/launch/"
# Lidar conversion to point cloud
- node:
pkg: "grp_astro"
exec: "scan2point_cloud"
name: "scan2point_cloud"
# Go to goal points
- include:
file: "$(find-pkg-share nav2_bringup)/launch/"
# Send goal points
# - node:
# pkg: "grp_astro"
# exec: "auto_discovery"
# name: "auto_discovery"
# Launch a SLAM algorithm
- include:
file: "$(find-pkg-share slam_toolbox)/launch/"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,10 +3,14 @@
# Imports
import rclpy
from rclpy.node import Node
from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, Twist
from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, Twist, Pose
from nav_msgs.msg import OccupancyGrid
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
from tf2_ros.transform_listener import TransformListener
from tf2_ros.buffer import Buffer
from random import random, sample
import math as m, numpy as np
# Class
......@@ -14,63 +18,144 @@ class AutoDisco(Node):
def __init__(self, name="auto_disco", timerFreq=1.0/60):
# Initialiaze subscribers / publishers
# Node variables
self._robot_speed = Twist()
self._map = None
self._canPublishGoal = True
self._robotPose = None
# Transform frames
self._tf_buffer = Buffer()
self._tf_listener = TransformListener(self._tf_buffer, self)
def init_publishers(self, timerFreq):
self._goal_publisher = self.create_publisher(PoseStamped, 'goal_pose', 10)
self.create_timer(timerFreq, self.loop)
def init_subscribers(self):
self.create_subscription(Twist, '/cmd_vel', self.scan_callback, 10)
self.create_subscription(Twist, '/cmd_vel', self.speed_callback, 10)
self.create_subscription(OccupancyGrid, '/map', self.map_callback, 10)
self.create_subscription(Odometry, '/odom', self.odom_callback, 10)
def scan_callback(self, msg):
def speed_callback(self, msg):
Get robot speed
self._robot_speed = msg
def map_callback(self, msg):
Get map data
self._map = msg
def loop(self):
if self._robot_speed == Twist():
rdx, rdy = random(), random()
pose = PoseStamped()
def odom_callback(self, odom):
Get robot pose on the map, thanks to SLAM
self._robotPose = odom.pose.pose
def loop(self):
# Map view
if self._map is None:
if self._map is None or self._robotPose is None:
if self._robot_speed != Twist():
self._canPublishGoal = True
elif self._canPublishGoal:
pose = PoseStamped()
# Get map settings
resolution =
width =
height =
pose_origin =
origin_position =
data =
# Save unknown points' coordinates
values = []
for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
if data[x+y*width] == -1:
values.append((x, y))
values = sample(values, 1)
pose.pose.position.x = values[0][0]*resolution
pose.pose.position.y = values[0][1]*resolution
# Define a distance to check around the robot
xDist = int(0.5 / resolution) # 50cm in px
yDist = int(0.5 / resolution) # 50cm in px
# Filter the points to only get the ones without any neighbours in a square around them
filteredValues = [(x,y) for x,y in values if x>xDist and x < width - xDist and y>yDist and y<height-yDist]
pointsWithoutNeighbour = []
for x,y in filteredValues:
hasKnownNeighbour = False
for xOffset in range(-xDist, xDist+1):
for yOffset in range(-yDist, yDist+1):
if data[(x + xOffset) + (y + yOffset)*width] != -1:
hasKnownNeighbour = True
if hasKnownNeighbour:
if not hasKnownNeighbour:
# Get robot position in map
trans = self._tf_buffer.lookup_transform("map", "odom", rclpy.time.Time())
robotX = trans.transform.translation.x
robotY = trans.transform.translation.y
yaw = self.quaternionToYaw(trans.transform.rotation)
robotX += self._robotPose.position.x * m.cos(yaw) - self._robotPose.position.y * m.sin(yaw)
robotY += self._robotPose.position.x * m.sin(yaw) + self._robotPose.position.y * m.cos(yaw)
# Order all the points without neighbours by distance relative to the robot
pointsWithoutNeighbour = [(x, y, (x*resolution + origin_position.x - robotX)**2 + (y*resolution + origin_position.y - robotY)**2) for x, y in pointsWithoutNeighbour]
pointsWithoutNeighbour.sort(key = lambda x: x[2])
# If there is at least one point without neighbour, go to the closest one
if len(pointsWithoutNeighbour) > 0:
x,y,_ = pointsWithoutNeighbour[0]
# Otherwise if there are still unknown points, pick one of them at random
elif len(values) > 0:
x,y = sample(values, 1)[0]
# If all the map is known, go to a random point
x,y = int(random()*width), int(random()*height)
# Transform the map coordinates into real world coordinates
pose.pose.position.x = x * resolution + origin_position.x
pose.pose.position.y = y * resolution + origin_position.y
pose.header.frame_id = "map"
pose.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg()
# Publish goal pose
self._canPublishGoal = False
def quaternionToYaw(self, q):
# Convert quaternion to yaw
x = q.x
y = q.y
z = q.z
w = q.w
siny_cosp = 2 * (w * z + x * y)
cosy_cosp = 1 - 2 * (y * y + z * z)
yaw = np.arctan2(siny_cosp, cosy_cosp)
return yaw
def main():
Main loop
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