Commit 216fef41 authored by Inès EL HADRI's avatar Inès EL HADRI 💤

Prevent robot from being stuck in corners

parent d3d2ab10
import rclpy
import math as m
from rclpy.node import Node
from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
......@@ -8,7 +9,13 @@ import time
class ReactiveMove(Node):
def __init__(self, name="reactive_move"):
MAX_STUCK_TIME = 5 # Time before the robot is considered to be stuck and has to make a U-turn
def __init__(self, name="reactive_move", timerFreq = 1/60.0):
super().__init__(name) # Create the node
# Initialize a subscriber
......@@ -17,32 +24,67 @@ class ReactiveMove(Node):
# Initialize a publisher
self._velocity_publisher = self.create_publisher(Twist, 'cmd_vel', 10)
# Clock for the publisher
self.create_timer(2, self.publish_velo)
# Initialize a clock for the publisher
self.create_timer(timerFreq, self.publish_velo)
# Initialize variables
self._timerFreq = timerFreq
self._previousScanTime = None
self._previousStraightMvtTime = None
self._points = []
def scan_callback(self, scanMsg):
Save calculated velocity in _velocity
Save received points for future calculations
points = sensor_msgs_py.point_cloud2.read_points(scanMsg)
self._points = sensor_msgs_py.point_cloud2.read_points(scanMsg)
self._previousScanTime = time.time()
x, y = firstPointInFront(points, 0.5, 0.25)
velocity = Twist()
def calcul_velo(self):
Calculate the velocity based on the "map" points and other data
now = time.time()
# If scan data received more than 1s ago, stop the robot
if now - self._previousScanTime > 1:
print("STOP ROBOT")
return Twist() # Return a zero velocity
# If it's been rotating for more than 5s, it's probably stuck in a corner, so we rotate it completely, until >3.14s which is equivalent to a rotation of >180°
if self._previousStraightMvtTime and self.MAX_STUCK_TIME < now - self._previousStraightMvtTime <= self.MAX_STUCK_TIME + m.pi:
velo = Twist()
velo.angular.z = self.ANGULAR_VELOCITY
return velo
# Default case
x, y = firstPointInFront(self._points, self.RECT_LENGTH, self.RECT_WIDTH / 2.0)
velocity = Twist()
if x and y:
if y >= 0: # Point is in the left part of the rectangle -> Turn right
velocity.angular.z = -1.0
velocity.angular.z = -self.ANGULAR_VELOCITY
print("TURN RIGHT")
else: # Point is in the right part of the rectangle -> Turn left
velocity.angular.z = 1.0
velocity.angular.z = self.ANGULAR_VELOCITY
print("TURN LEFT")
else: # If there's not point in front, go straight
velocity.linear.x = 0.2
velocity.linear.x = self.LINEAR_VELOCITY
self._previousStraightMvtTime = now
return velocity
self._velocity = velocity
self._previousScanTime = time.time()
def publish_velo(self):
......@@ -50,13 +92,17 @@ class ReactiveMove(Node):
Publish velocity independently of the callback
# Only move if we received scan data since less than a second
if(time.time() - self._previousScanTime < 1):
self._velocity_publisher.publish(self._velocity) # Move according to previously calculated velocity
self._velocity_publisher.publish(Twist()) # Stop movement
# Make sure at least one callback is made
if not self._previousScanTime:
return -1
velocity = self.calcul_velo()
self._velocity_publisher.publish(velocity) # Move according to previously calculated velocity
return 0
def firstPointInFront(points:list, maxX, maxY):
......@@ -72,6 +118,9 @@ def firstPointInFront(points:list, maxX, maxY):
def main():
Main loop
rosNode = ReactiveMove()
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