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eMotion-GAN: A Motion-based GAN for Photorealistic and Facial Expression Preserving Frontal View Synthesis
Homework assignments for the CS229: Machine Learning course.
TP Android - UV AMSE
TP2 AMSE - Projet Flutter Plusieurs exercices et jeu de taquin
Création d'un démineur comme projet final pour la partie C de l'UV MLOD
This repo is for the TP-git
Projet réalisé par Tristan Desjardins et Alain Tran dans le cadre de l'UV P6 "Projet" de M1.
FIC/DK-P EA methods (GA) (Originally named CSDVP Evolutionary Algorithm Optimization - CEAO)
This repository contains an annotation framework for the railway domain that takes into account the different components that significantly contribute to the vision-based risk estimation in driving scenarios, thus enabling an accurate railway risk.
TP python opencv
NEURAL-UML: Intelligent Recognition System of Structural Elements in UML Class Diagram
Instructional notebooks on music information retrieval.