<p><strong>musicinformationretrieval.com</strong> is a collection of instructional materials for music information retrieval. These materials contain a mix of casual conversation, technical discussion, and Python code.</p>
<p><strong>musicinformationretrieval.com</strong> is a collection of instructional materials for music information retrieval (MIR). These materials contain a mix of casual conversation, technical discussion, and Python code.</p>
<p>These pages, including the one you're reading, are authored using <ahref="http://jupyter.org/">Jupyter notebooks</a>, formerly known as <ahref="https://ipython.org/notebook.html">IPython notebooks</a>. They are statically hosted using <ahref="https://pages.github.com/">GitHub Pages</a>. The GitHub repository is found here: <ahref="https://github.com/stevetjoa/stanford-mir">stevetjoa/stanford-mir</a>.</p>
<p>This material is used during the annual Summer Workshop on Music Information Retrieval at CCRMA, Stanford University. <ahref="https://ccrma.stanford.edu/workshops/music-information-retrieval-mir">Click here for workshop description and registration</a>.</p>
<p>This site is maintained by <ahref="https://stevetjoa.com">Steve Tjoa</a>. For questions, please email <ahref="mailto:steve@stevetjoa.com">steve@stevetjoa.com</a>. Do you have any feedback? Did you find errors or typos? Are you a teacher or researcher and would like to collaborate? Please let me know.</p>
@@ -211,6 +275,34 @@ div#notebook {
<h2id="About-Fundamentals-of-Music-Processing">About <em>Fundamentals of Music Processing</em><aclass="anchor-link"href="#About-Fundamentals-of-Music-Processing">¶</a></h2>
"**musicinformationretrieval.com** is a collection of instructional materials for music information retrieval. These materials contain a mix of casual conversation, technical discussion, and Python code. \n",
"**musicinformationretrieval.com** is a collection of instructional materials for music information retrieval (MIR). These materials contain a mix of casual conversation, technical discussion, and Python code. \n",
"These pages, including the one you're reading, are authored using [Jupyter notebooks](http://jupyter.org/), formerly known as [IPython notebooks](https://ipython.org/notebook.html). They are statically hosted using [GitHub Pages](https://pages.github.com/). The GitHub repository is found here: [stevetjoa/stanford-mir](https://github.com/stevetjoa/stanford-mir).\n",