Commit f3c8496d authored by Yoann Bordin's avatar Yoann Bordin

Score gestion

parent b84b5014
......@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ void drawSquare(int x, int y, Color color){
void drawPiece(Piece p){
......@@ -47,14 +45,40 @@ void displayScore(int score){
DrawText(TextFormat("%4i", score), 430, 80, 20, RAYWHITE);
void gameInstructions(Grid grid, Piece* pList){
Piece piece = generePiece(pList);
void displaySquare(Square sq, int pIndex, int pListIndex){
char text0[5];
char text1[5];
itoa(sq->posX, text0, 10);
itoa(sq->posY, text1, 10);
DrawText(text0, 20 + 80*pIndex, 20 + 80*pListIndex, 20, RAYWHITE);
DrawText(text1, 60 + 80*pIndex, 20 + 80*pListIndex, 20, RAYWHITE);
void displayPiece(Piece p, int pListIndex){
for(int i = 0; i < p.size; i ++){
displaySquare(p.squares[i], i, pListIndex);
void displayPieceList(Piece* pList, int size){
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
displayPiece(pList[i], i);
void displayColumn(Square* line, int index, int height){
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++){
if(line[y] != NULL){
DrawText("1", 500 + 30*index, 20 + 30*y, 20, RAYWHITE);
while(canMove(piece, grid)){
movePieceVert(piece, 1);
void displayGrid(Grid g){
for(int x = 0; x < g.width; x++){
displayColumn(g.grid[x], x, g.height);
addPieceToGrid(piece, grid);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9,13 +9,21 @@
// Init functions
void InitDisplay();
void InitGame();
// Draw functions
void drawSquare(int x, int y, Color color);
void drawPiece(Piece p);
void drawGrid(Grid g);
// Display functions
void displayScore(int score);
void gameInstructions(Grid grid, Piece* pList);
\ No newline at end of file
// Display functions (debug only)
void displaySquare(Square sq, int pIndex, int pListIndex);
void displayPiece(Piece p, int pListIndex);
void displayPieceList(Piece* pList, int size);
void displayColumn(Square* line, int index, int height);
void displayGrid(Grid g);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ int main(void){
bool isFixed = true;
int score = 0;
int level = 1;
int frameCounter = 0;
......@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ int main(void){
// Nouvelles pièces
p = generePiece(pieceList);
p = spawnPiece(pieceList);
movePieceHztl(p, 3);
isFixed = false;
......@@ -46,15 +47,15 @@ int main(void){
if(IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT) && canMoveHztl(grid, p, 1)){
movePieceHztl(p, 1);
if(IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN) && canMoveDown(grid, p, 1)){
if(IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN) && canMoveVert(grid, p, 1)){
movePieceVert(p, 1);
if(IsKeyPressed(KEY_Q)){ // A en AZERTY
while(rotateBorderLeft(p, false)){
while(rotateCollideLeft(p, false)){
movePieceHztl(p, 1);
while(rotateBorderRight(p, false)){
while(rotateCollideRight(p, false)){
movePieceHztl(p, -1);
while(rotateCollideGrid(grid, p, false)){
......@@ -63,11 +64,12 @@ int main(void){
rotatePiece(grid, p, false);
if(IsKeyPressed(KEY_W)){ // Z en AZERTY
while(rotateBorderLeft(p, true)){
while(rotateCollideLeft(p, true)){
movePieceHztl(p, 1);
while(rotateBorderRight(p, true)){
while(rotateCollideRight(p, true)){
movePieceHztl(p, -1);
while(rotateCollideGrid(grid, p, true)){
......@@ -76,10 +78,11 @@ int main(void){
rotatePiece(grid, p, true);
int score_prec = score;
// Déplacer pièce toutes les 1s
if(frameCounter%20 == 0){
if(canMove(p, grid)){
if(frameCounter%(60/level) == 0){
if(canMoveVert(grid, p, 1)){
movePieceVert(p, 1);
......@@ -91,6 +94,11 @@ int main(void){
// Gestion des niveaux
if(score_prec%10 > score%10 && level < 10){
......@@ -99,6 +107,20 @@ int main(void){
for(int x = 0; x < grid.width; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < grid.height; y++){
for(int i = 0; i < p.size; i++){
No preview for this file type
......@@ -33,117 +33,28 @@ Square squareInit(){
return sq;
void setSquareColor(Square sq, int colorIndex){
sq->color = colorList[colorIndex];
void setColor(Piece p, int colorIndex){
for(int i = 0; i < p.size; i++){
setSquareColor(p.squares[i], colorIndex);
bool gameOver(Grid grid){
return height(grid) == grid.height;
int height(Grid g){
int height = 0;
int height_p;
for(int i = 0; i < g.width; i++){
height_p = heightColumn(g.grid[i], g.height);
if(height_p > height){
height = height_p;
return height;
int heightColumn(Square* column, int size){
int height = size;
while(height > 0 && column[size-height] == NULL){
return height;
bool canMove(Piece piece, Grid grid){
for(int i = 0; i < piece.size; i++){
if(!canMoveSquare(piece.squares[i], grid)){
return false;
return true;
bool canMoveSquare(Square sq, Grid g){
int x = sq->posX;
int y = sq->posY;
Square copySquare(Square sq){
Square newSq = squareInit();
char text3[5];
itoa(y, text3, 50);
DrawText(text3, 400, 20, 20, RED);
newSq->color = sq->color;
newSq->posX = sq->posX;
newSq->posY = sq->posY;
if(y < g.height-1){
if(y < g.height-heightColumn(g.grid[x], g.height)-1){
return true;
return false;
return false;
return newSq;
void rotateSquare(Square sq, Square ref, bool rotation){
int refX = ref->posX;
int refY = ref->posY;
// Keep memory
int posX = sq->posX;
int posY = sq->posY;
void setSquareColor(Square sq, int colorIndex){
sq->posX = refX - posY + refY;
sq->posY = refY + posX - refX;
sq->posX = refX + posY - refY;
sq->posY = refY - posX + refX;
sq->color = colorList[colorIndex];
void rotatePiece(Grid g, Piece p, bool rotation){
void setPieceColor(Piece p, int colorIndex){
for(int i = 0; i < p.size; i++){
if(i != 1){
rotateSquare(p.squares[i], p.squares[1], rotation);
void addPieceToGrid(Piece piece, Grid grid){
for(int i = 0; i < piece.size; i++){
addSquareToGrid(piece.squares[i], grid);
setSquareColor(p.squares[i], colorIndex);
void addSquareToGrid(Square sq, Grid g){
Square newSq = copySquare(sq);
g.grid[newSq->posX][newSq->posY] = newSq;
int randInt(int lower, int upper){
int num = (rand() % (upper-lower+1)) + lower;
return num;
Square getSquare(char* line, int index){
Square sq = squareInit();
int k = 0; // Compteur de '('
......@@ -174,15 +85,6 @@ Piece getPieceFromLine(char* line){
for(int i = 0; i < p.size; i++){
sq = getSquare(line, i);
p.squares[i] = sq;
char text0[5];
char text1[5];
itoa(sq->posX, text0, 10);
itoa(sq->posY, text1, 10);
DrawText(text0, 50, 100+50*i, 20, RAYWHITE);
DrawText(text1, 100, 100+50*i, 20, RAYWHITE);
return p;
......@@ -211,29 +113,27 @@ Piece* getPiecesData(char* fileName){
for(int i = 0; i < numPieces; i++){
fgets(line, 30, dataFile);
pieceList[i] = getPieceFromLine(line);
setColor(pieceList[i], i);
setPieceColor(pieceList[i], i);
return pieceList;
Square copySquare(Square sq){
Square newSq = squareInit();
newSq->color = sq->color;
newSq->posX = sq->posX;
newSq->posY = sq->posY;
int randInt(int lower, int upper){
int num = (rand() % (upper-lower+1)) + lower;
return newSq;
return num;
Piece generePiece(Piece* pieceList){
Piece spawnPiece(Piece* pieceList){
int numPiece = randInt(0, 6);
Piece pieceFromList = pieceList[numPiece];
Piece newPiece = pieceInit();
// Copy the piece from the piece list
for(int i = 0; i < newPiece.size; i++){
newPiece.squares[i] = copySquare(pieceFromList.squares[i]);
......@@ -241,27 +141,28 @@ Piece generePiece(Piece* pieceList){
return newPiece;
void displaySquare(Square sq, int pIndex, int pListIndex){
char text0[5];
char text1[5];
itoa(sq->posX, text0, 10);
itoa(sq->posY, text1, 10);
DrawText(text0, 20 + 80*pIndex, 20 + 80*pListIndex, 20, RAYWHITE);
DrawText(text1, 60 + 80*pIndex, 20 + 80*pListIndex, 20, RAYWHITE);
bool canMoveVert(Grid g, Piece p, int moveNum){
for(int i = 0; i < p.size; i++){
int x = p.squares[i]->posX;
int y = p.squares[i]->posY + moveNum;
void displayPiece(Piece p, int pListIndex){
for(int i = 0; i < p.size; i ++){
displaySquare(p.squares[i], i, pListIndex);
if(y >= g.height || g.grid[x][y] != NULL){
return false;
return true;
void displayPieceList(Piece* pList, int size){
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
displayPiece(pList[i], i);
bool canMoveHztl(Grid g, Piece p, int moveNum){
for(int i = 0; i < p.size; i++){
int x = p.squares[i]->posX + moveNum;
int y = p.squares[i]->posY;
if(x < 0 || x >= g.width || g.grid[x][y] != NULL){
return false;
return true;
void moveSquareVert(Square sq, int shift){
......@@ -277,29 +178,6 @@ void movePieceVert(Piece piece, int shift){
DrawText(text3, 450, 20, 20, RED);
bool canMoveHztl(Grid g, Piece p, int moveNum){
for(int i = 0; i < p.size; i++){
int x = p.squares[i]->posX + moveNum;
int y = p.squares[i]->posY;
if(x < 0 || x >= g.width || g.grid[x][y] != NULL){
return false;
return true;
bool canMoveDown(Grid g, Piece p, int moveNum){
for(int i = 0; i < p.size; i++){
int x = p.squares[i]->posX;
int y = p.squares[i]->posY + moveNum;
if(y < 0 || y >= g.height || g.grid[x][y] != NULL){
return false;
return true;
void moveSquareHztl(Square sq, int shift){
sq->posX += shift;
......@@ -310,104 +188,66 @@ void movePieceHztl(Piece p, int shift){
int removeLinesIfCompleted(Grid grid){
int nbLinesRemoved = 0;
bool isLineCompleted;
int y = 0;
while(y < grid.height){
isLineCompleted = true;
for(int x = 0; x < grid.width; x++){
if(grid.grid[x][y] == NULL){
isLineCompleted = false;
bool rotateCollideLeft(Piece p, bool rotation){
int refX = p.squares[1]->posX;
int refY = p.squares[1]->posY;
int lineToRemove = y;
for(int i = 0; i < p.size; i++){
int posY = p.squares[i]->posY;
int newPosX;
for(int x = 0; x < grid.width; x++){
for(int x = 0; x < grid.width; x++){
for(int i = lineToRemove; i > 0; i--){
grid.grid[x][i] = grid.grid[x][i-1];
for(int x = 0; x < grid.width; x++){
grid.grid[x][0] = malloc(sizeof(square_s));
grid.grid[x][0] = NULL;
newPosX = refX - posY + refY;
newPosX = refX + posY - refY;
return nbLinesRemoved;
void displayColumn(Square* line, int index, int height){
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++){
if(line[y] != NULL){
DrawText("1", 500 + 30*index, 20 + 30*y, 20, RAYWHITE);
if(newPosX < 0){
return true;
return false;
void displayGrid(Grid g){
for(int x = 0; x < g.width; x++){
displayColumn(g.grid[x], x, g.height);
bool rotateBorderLeft(Piece p, bool rotation){
bool rotateCollideRight(Piece p, bool rotation){
int refX = p.squares[1]->posX;
int refY = p.squares[1]->posY;
for(int i = 0; i < p.size; i++){
int posX = p.squares[i]->posX;
int posY = p.squares[i]->posY;
int newPosX, newPosY;
int newPosY;
newPosX = refX - posY + refY;
newPosY = refY + posX - refX;
newPosY = refY - posX + refX;
newPosX = refX + posY - refY;
newPosY = refY - posX + refX;
newPosY = refY + posX - refX;
if(newPosX < 0){
if(newPosY < 0){
return true;
return false;
bool rotateBorderRight(Piece p, bool rotation){
bool rotateCollideTop(Piece p, bool rotation){
int refX = p.squares[1]->posX;
int refY = p.squares[1]->posY;
for(int i = 0; i < p.size; i++){
int posX = p.squares[i]->posX;
int posY = p.squares[i]->posY;
int newPosX, newPosY;
int newPosX;
newPosX = refX - posY + refY;
newPosY = refY + posX - refX;
newPosX = refX + posY - refY;
newPosX = refX + posY - refY;
newPosY = refY - posX + refX;
newPosX = refX - posY + refY;
if(newPosX >= GRID_WIDTH){
if(newPosX < 0){
return true;
......@@ -437,4 +277,109 @@ bool rotateCollideGrid(Grid g, Piece p, bool rotation){
return false;
void rotateSquare(Square sq, Square ref, bool rotation){
int refX = ref->posX;
int refY = ref->posY;
// Keep memory
int posX = sq->posX;
int posY = sq->posY;
sq->posX = refX - posY + refY;
sq->posY = refY + posX - refX;
sq->posX = refX + posY - refY;
sq->posY = refY - posX + refX;
void rotatePiece(Grid g, Piece p, bool rotation){
for(int i = 0; i < p.size; i++){
if(i != 1){
rotateSquare(p.squares[i], p.squares[1], rotation);
void addSquareToGrid(Square sq, Grid g){
Square newSq = copySquare(sq);
g.grid[newSq->posX][newSq->posY] = newSq;
void addPieceToGrid(Piece piece, Grid grid){
for(int i = 0; i < piece.size; i++){
addSquareToGrid(piece.squares[i], grid);
int removeLinesIfCompleted(Grid grid){
int nbLinesRemoved = 0;
bool isLineCompleted;
int y = 0;
while(y < grid.height){
isLineCompleted = true;
for(int x = 0; x < grid.width; x++){
if(grid.grid[x][y] == NULL){
isLineCompleted = false;
int lineToRemove = y;
for(int x = 0; x < grid.width; x++){
for(int x = 0; x < grid.width; x++){
for(int i = lineToRemove; i > 0; i--){
grid.grid[x][i] = grid.grid[x][i-1];
for(int x = 0; x < grid.width; x++){
grid.grid[x][0] = malloc(sizeof(square_s));
grid.grid[x][0] = NULL;
return nbLinesRemoved;
int heightColumn(Square* column, int size){
int height = size;
while(height > 0 && column[size-height] == NULL){
return height;
int height(Grid g){
int height = 0;
int height_p;
for(int i = 0; i < g.width; i++){
height_p = heightColumn(g.grid[i], g.height);
if(height_p > height){
height = height_p;
return height;
bool gameOver(Grid grid){
return height(grid) == grid.height;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -30,48 +30,55 @@ typedef struct Piece{
int size;
} Piece;
// Init functions
Grid gridInit();
Grid initSquares(Grid g);
Piece pieceInit();
Square squareInit();
// Copy functions
Square copySquare(Square sq);
bool gameOver(Grid grid);
int height(Grid g);
int heightColumn(Square* column, int size);
bool canMove(Piece piece, Grid grid);
bool canMoveSquare(Square sq, Grid g);
void rotateSquare(Square sq, Square ref, bool rotation);
void rotatePiece(Grid g, Piece p, bool rotation); // False makes a counterclockwise rotation and true makes a clockwise rotation
// Set functions
void setSquareColor(Square sq, int colorIndex);
void setPieceColor(Piece p, int colorIndex);
void addPieceToGrid(Piece piece, Grid grid);
void addSquareToGrid(Square sq, Grid g);
int randInt(int lower, int upper);
// Piece generation and data reading
Square getSquare(char* line, int index);
Piece getPieceFromLine(char* line);
Piece* getPiecesData(char* fileName);
Piece generePiece(Piece* pieceList);
void displaySquare(Square sq, int pIndex, int pListIndex);
void displayPiece(Piece p, int pListIndex);
void displayPieceList(Piece* pList, int size);
int randInt(int lower, int upper);
Piece spawnPiece(Piece* pieceList);
// Bool verifications for moving
bool canMoveVert(Grid g, Piece p, int moveNum);
bool canMoveHztl(Grid g, Piece p, int moveNum);
bool canMoveDown(Grid g, Piece p, int moveNum);
// Moving functions
void moveSquareVert(Square sq, int shift);
void movePieceVert(Piece piece, int shift);
bool canMoveHztl(Grid g, Piece p, int moveNum);
void moveSquareHztl(Square sq, int shift);
void movePieceHztl(Piece p, int shift);
int removeLinesIfCompleted(Grid grid);
// Bool verifications for rotating
bool rotateCollideLeft(Piece p, bool rotation);
bool rotateCollideRight(Piece p, bool rotation);
bool rotateCollideTop(Piece p, bool rotation); // To debug
bool rotateCollideGrid(Grid g, Piece p, bool rotation);
void displayColumn(Square* line, int index, int height);
void displayGrid(Grid g);
// Rotating functions
void rotateSquare(Square sq, Square ref, bool rotation);
void rotatePiece(Grid g, Piece p, bool rotation); // False makes a counterclockwise rotation and true makes a clockwise rotation
bool rotateBorderLeft(Piece p, bool rotation);
bool rotateBorderRight(Piece p, bool rotation);
bool rotateCollideGrid(Grid g, Piece p, bool rotation);
\ No newline at end of file
// Grid adding functions
void addSquareToGrid(Square sq, Grid g);
void addPieceToGrid(Piece piece, Grid grid);
// Line completed detection
int removeLinesIfCompleted(Grid grid); // Returns the number of lines completed
// Game over detection
int heightColumn(Square* column, int size);
int height(Grid g);
bool gameOver(Grid grid);
\ No newline at end of file
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